Some things Nutmeg enjoys doing..
Nickering to me at breakfast time
Following me EVERYWHERE
Squashing toes (We're learning that toes aren't good to step on...)
Taking naps in her poop, even after I clean her pen
Spreading her hay everywhere and sleeping in that too
Getting petted, loved on, and having those itchy spots taken care of
Tearing up the field with bucks, snorts, and squeals
Chasing my poor old cat around
Tormenting my gelding
Pretending to be an A-rub
Causing chaos and making me scream and rip my hair out at certain times
and of course..
She loves to do new things, my friend Helen and I taught her to load into a trailer in about 30 minutes, this included hopping in for grain, hopping out, and hopping back into the trailer for some more grain. Now she loads like a champ and we take her all over the place.
Recently I was going to go to the horse class at the college, and we were going to leave Nutmeg home. Nutmeg did not agree with this, and promptly started tearing around the roundpen as we drove away. Just as I was about to drive out of sight...
She jumped a four foot fence into an empty pasture.
A weaner jumped a four foot fence...
Oh boy. I can't wait to see how high she will jump when she is fully grown. Yikes.
Nutmeg ended up coming with us, no more fence jumping for her until she's at least 4!
I think I lost some hair over that one. She is fine, no scrapes, not even sore. She is one tough cookie.