Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nuts About Pony

(thanks for the title idea DD!)

Nutmeg is doing well, she is standing stock still for mounting, has a good idea of the ground tie and hobbling. She is learning to turn left and right and will trot in a straight line with Jack. She hard ties to the trailer, loads and unloads, she will back out or turn around to unload from the front.
She has not bucked, reared, kicked or offered to bite. She is being quiet and easy to manage on the trail while being ponied, even through obstacles.
Can't wait to see more pictures! She's a good girl and doing really well.

Love this first picture for some reason, haha her legs. :)

Here are some more pictures from her 6th or 7th ride. :)
She is starting to accept the bit much more and got her first ride outside the round pen and was very well behaved about it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

5th Ride

Nutmeg got her 5th ride today(yesterday..ish sorry trying to catch everyone up!). She also was tied to the trailer and groomed, then saddled up and loaded into the trailer a few times. She backs out of it without any problems. Good girl!
She was hobbled again and behaved well.
She got some more mounting and dismounting lessons and walked around the round pen for a bit.
She was also bitted up for a while and holds it very well, but does need some work on having it put into her mouth.
And of course there is always time for a bit of fun!

Power Steering

(From yesterday)

Nutmeg's first ever time being driven, hell she's never even had a line attached to her halter before! Lol!

DD is teaching her some steering on the ground and will be re-enforcing it in the saddle. He will be using several techniques to teach her woah, back up and turn.

Learning to turn to the right.

I can see the wheel turning in her pretty little head even now, haha!
I can't wait to see more pictures of her getting her "power steering" as I like to call it.
I may have a few of them out of order so if I do that's my bad, hah!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fourth Ride

Nutmeg had her fourth ride tonight, it was a little to late to go outside the round pen as it was getting dark. She was a good girl and DD will be taking her out of the roundpen soon.
Here is a picture, I think she looks adorable in the bosal! Oh how I wish I could show her. I think one of my goals will be to have her enter the ring, either with me or someone else. Even if we don't win, I just want to see her out there looking beautiful.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The third ride

Nutmeg got her third ride today. First she stood at the trailer with a saddle on for a while, DD made the comment that she makes a good saddle stand and he even polished up his saddle while she stood there haha.

Then it was off to the roundpen for some more hobbling lessons. Again she did very well and was very accepting of the hobbles.

After that they practiced standing for mounting, he said she is already very good at standing still for it.
Then he got on and had someone send her around the round pen at a walk, trot and lope in each direction with little problem.

DD said,
"She needs to gain balance and learn to carry the load and that will happen as we go along.
The 3rd ride went without a hitch and I told her she was a very good girl."

Afterwards she got a nice bath and was put next to Snowberry and given a snack.

Second day, second ride.

Nutmeg is moving along nicely. She had her second ride today and also got her feet trimmed up a bit.

He said she needs some work on her feet so he is keeping an eye on them. I know her white front hoof has been having some problems ever since she decided to chip most of it off while going through a "must paw at everything that doesn't move" stage.
She was very quiet for DD to saddle up.
She was also ponied for the first time ever. She took to being lead by another horse very well and DD exposed her to a lot of different terrain and she handled it in style he told me.
Lets just say I am a proud horse mom, haha!

Ev got to meet her too! Pretty cool, she even took a few pictures for us. Thank you Ev! You rock!

Getting saddled up. Lead ropes are very interesting? ^ haha!
She is a little bit sunburnt, she got that at my place. She is very good at hiding her fly mask in the pasture! I gave DD some SPF 50 baby sunscreen for her nose because I know she will play hide the fly mask with him too.

Off we go! First time being ponied. Getting her looky loo on I am sure.

And we go down the hill...

And up another!

Hey is it me or does she look clean?? DD gave her a bath!

I love the lighting in this shot, what a good girl!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Adventure time

It's adventure time for our little Nutmeg. We have watched her grow up, get big and strong, and now comes that special time in a horse's life where they begin to learn in a new place, with new things and lots of good new experiences.

This morning I posted that she was going somewhere. The shipper arrived and Nutmeg remembered exactly what to do, and in the blink of an eye she was on the trailer and on her way to her destination.

Where was she going? Certainly it was quite the mystery to some!

Well she was going to meet DDranch! She arrived at around 1pm and hopped off the trailer at the ranch. DD worked with her a bit in the round pen and then let her settle down in her pen. No bumps or scrapes except with the one she gave herself before she came down. The ride there was good.

Having settled in for a few hours and resting during the hottest part of the day, DD took her into the round pen and worked with her again. He commented that she was in a good frame of mind for riding. He round penned her a bit then he saddled her up and put the hobbles on her, and she accepted them. He took the hobbles off and got on her, what a good girl! I am so proud and very happy.
What a good girl!
Licking and chewing!

Check back daily for more updates!